Legislators Favor Crackdown on Synthetic Drugs and Salvia


Harrisburg, PA – Synthetic cocaine, marketed as ‘bath salts’ and synthetic marijuana and Salvia would be banned under legislation that passed the House today, with the support of Reps. Rosemary Brown (R-Monroe/Pike), Mike Peifer (R-Monroe/Pike/Wayne) and Mario M. Scavello (R-Monroe).

“Synthetic cocaine is proven to be addictive,” said Brown.  “We are seeing increased usage of these substances in our community, which are still available at some local retailers. We need to pass this legislation to avoid further addictions and to prevent a possible increase in crime that often accompanies drug usage.”

The chemical compounds in these ‘bath salts’ are being banned by the legislation. The effect of synthetic cocaine or marijuana resembles drugs listed as controlled substances.  Bath salts have nothing to do with legitimate bath products.

“These drugs are not currently banned under the controlled substances laws, but soon will be when the governor enacts this bill,” said Peifer.

Senate Bill 1006 amends the Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act to expand the list of banned substances to included Salvia Divinorum, Salvinorin A, Divinorin A, synthetic marijuana and synthetic cocaine/heroin as Schedule I controlled substances, which can cause a range of symptoms similar to cocaine or marijuana.

“We need to send this bill to the governor,” said Scavello.  “As recently as three weeks ago, I heard complaints at the local hospital where patients were overdosing on these substances.  People are becoming addicted to these and walking into emergency rooms for treatment when they abuse them. This bill is going to the governor soon, so we urge merchants to remove these products from their shelves now, before we lose a life.”

Senate Bill 1006 passed the House unanimously and it now goes back to the Senate for concurrence, which expected to occur promptly. The bill would be enforceable within 60 days of being signed into law.